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WINDOWS Before & After

I am really excited to share our last couple weeks with you but I must start with a story. Derek and I had to get some blood work done, so a nurse came to our house. As she was working away and being very opinionated about our home, she said, "I don't know why he (referring to Derek who was not in the room) did not think to put windows there."

Well genius nurse lady. Our windows are coming. She also said "For your sake, I hope you can move out of here (Bunker) as soon as possible." So that happened and we still laugh about it...

But this post is to show you some fun before and afters. We got our windows in! Here is what the nurse was seeing:

 Windows 1

The process of putting in the windows was simple (for me) but probably a bit more tricky for Derek: We ordered the windows through Menards and they arrived after a few weeks. We knew we were pushing it with winter closing in, but we got them in just in time!

Windows 2 Windows 3 Windows 17Windows 19

Windows 4 After an afternoon of hard work, Derek got them in place!

They have added so much extra light to the room. Instead of looking at the walls, it now makes your eyes look up!

Windows 20Windows 11

On to the back windows:

Remember that weekend when we got that random snow storm? Ya. That was the weekend we got started on the back windows. Thankfully our heater came in as well, so Derek was doing double duty installing!

Windows 6 Windows 7

We started first with the heater. We purchased a "hotel unit" which has worked out well! Thankfully, Derek was able to bribe his friend Neil to come and lend a hand with the lifting.

Windows 8

Once the heater was installed, Derek got working on the rest of the windows!

Windows 9 Windows 10

Please appreciate the amazing photo below:

Windows 13As I was snapping this picture in my Ugg boots (mistake #1), I stomped (yes, I step very forcefully) on a piece of wood which happened to have a screw sticking out the top. Ouch. Once I got the screw out and assessed the damage, I debated on getting a tetanus shot. I ended up not getting one and I haven't gotten lock jaw yet...but I do think one of these date nights, we will just go and get them together.

 A few other fun things.

1. We made our own Christmas tree ornaments this year. *Note- I made them, Derek ate them

Windows 12

2. It is starting to look like Christmas at Bunker!

photo 2 (38) photo 3 (34)

3. We finished the front!!

photo 4 (34) photo 1 (36)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving... I am sure we will have new projects and adventures to share soon!