The BIG Move

2 Peter 3:8

8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

If there is anything we have learned over the past 571 days, it is that the Lord has His own timing. We can push, pull, and struggle our way through His will or we can sit and know that everything has a purpose. God is not held to our timelines or time in general. He asks us to put on our seatbelt and trust Him.

So, we strapped on our seatbelt June 15th and have been nothing but blown away with the way He has provided for us.

One big answer to prayer? The Quarry. We had been housing shopping for months with a very specific home in mind. We needed a yard, one story, close to Derek's work, in our price range where we could renovate some necessary accessible additions, and of course somewhere I could have a garden.

As we house shopped, I found myself telling Derek, "This is the one." on so many different properties. I just wanted a home so badly that I was willing to settle for something that just wasn't a good fit for what we needed.

I am so proud to show you the place we now call home. We moved December 22nd and left for the Christmas Circuit on December 23rd. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind and we are just starting to settle in. 

Full disclosure. We've hit a place in our blogging where we are now able to link products we purchase for you to check out. If you love something, click on the link and feel free to purchase it from there. No pressure, promise. We will get a little commission from that company.  These are things we've purchased organically because we love them. I will not link something we haven't been impressed with.

Ok, back to the move. 

Derek enjoys telling everyone that I cried 4 times that day for completely different reasons: feeling overwhelmed, excitement, joy, and then exhaustion. It was a jammed packed day that started a 8:00am and ended around 1am. We hired Two Men and a Truck to help. Best decision ever. 

I sadly did not get many photos from the actual move but I did capture this video:

And the flicker bulb is pretty darn cool if you have an outdoor lantern:

We then headed to our prospective families homes for the holidays. A 4 day tour of Indiana and Ohio, which left us with a car STUFFED full of amazing presents, so many good laughs, and a little bit of sleep deprivation. 


We are working on putting our home together and started with the Master Bedroom:


Master Bedroom Goal: Fun but adultish


And as you can image, Barkus is LOVING his new space and the unlimited napping spots.


Most random gift you received. Go! 

Thanks for all the love with the new home.

With Love,

The Lavenders