Lavenders Longshot

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What's a scissor truss?

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Can we please just stop and soak in how beautiful this photo is? No. Seriously. Look at it ONE more time....  *sigh*

Derek was on spring break this past week and was able to dedicate a couple solid days on Longshot. This week's goal was to take down the ceilings in the bedrooms. The 7ft ceilings created a claustrophobic feel that made you want to run outside to get air.
The house also smells pretty bad, so the fresh air is desired for several reasons.



The Master part 2

The Master

In good shape~

Our plan

Every room in the house will have cathedral ceilings, which we are very excited about. The next step for us is to select a roofer (currently in the process). The existing roof and structure will probably need to be completely torn down and replaced with scissor trusses.

What's a scissor truss? So glad you asked. This, my friend, is a scissor truss:


 In some homes, you may see these exposed along the ceiling. In Longshot, we will not be exposing them because we need to insulate the roof, and therefore, do not want to loose a ft or two of ceiling.  Once we get the roofer in there, it should take about 2 weeks from start to finish.

As you can imagine, tearing down ceilings is no easy or clean process.

In two weeks, the Bundenthal Family has agreed to come help with the clean up. They have NO idea what they have gotten themselves into

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Next up? Taking down the ceiling/ interior walls in the Main Room.